2013년 5월 28일 화요일


Hello, My names is Jin Sunwoo.
I will introduce on the school violence.
Let's watch the movie on the school violence first.

 What space is the school to you?
 The school is memorable space and good place for many people.
 However, the school is terrible and unpleasant space with fear for some people
The current status of school violence is beyond comprehension.
It's too bad that children suffer from the violence in the school where dream and hope grow.

영주중학생 투신 자살 추정“동급생이 괴롭혀” 유서, 학교폭력 조사  2012-04-16 18:05:14

영주에서 중학생이 투신 자살해 충격을 주고 있다.

경찰은 4월 16일 오전 경북 영주 휴천동 한 아파트에서 중학생이 투신해 숨졌다고 밝혔다.

경찰에 따르면 이날 오전 9시30분께 이 지역 모 중학교 2학년에 재학중인 이모(14) 군이 이 아파트 1층 현관에서 숨져있는 것을 관리사무소 직원 우모(41)씨가 발견해 신고했다.
우씨는 뭔가 떨어지는 소리가 들려 가봤더니 이군이 숨져 있었다고 진술했다.

이군은 가족들에게 학교에 간다고 한 뒤 투신 사망한 채 발견됐다.

경찰은 이군이 아파트 20층 계단 앞 창문을 통해 투신자살한 것으로 추정하고 있다. 또 현장에서 발견된 유서 내용에서 "동급생으로부터 괴롭힘을 당했다"는 내용의 유서가 발견된 것을 토대로 이군을 대상으로 한 학교폭력이 있었는지 여부 등 자살 동기와 사망경위 등을 조사 중이다.

[뉴스엔 김종효 기자]

김종효 phenomdark@

We often read the report on the school violence numerously every year.
It doesn't look like school violence is going to stop even though police strongly investigates and punish attacker severely
It is certainly necessary for the government to take precautions for school violence

school violence prevention movement 
This is the picture showing that people are doing campaign in order to prevent school violence.
 The number of students killing themselves due to school violence is increasing.
Therefore people are doing these regular campaign to stop this from happening.

this is the suicide note

 This is the real case of suicide. Kyungsan high school student suicided himself because he was violated by
fellow students. Violence is not just limited to physical violence. Swearing and emotional violecne  can lead
students to kill by themselves. I think this is a really unhappy thing that should be stopped.
 The reason why it is important is because it can lead people to make copycat suicide as well as imitation of
violence. Many other students will be greatly impacted by this case. Other students who have been violated might follow suicide.

There are three types of school violence, verbal violence, mugging, and sexual violence.
First of all, let's see the data on the verbal violence.

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