2013년 5월 28일 화요일


Hello, My names is Jin Sunwoo.
I will introduce on the school violence.
Let's watch the movie on the school violence first.

 What space is the school to you?
 The school is memorable space and good place for many people.
 However, the school is terrible and unpleasant space with fear for some people
The current status of school violence is beyond comprehension.
It's too bad that children suffer from the violence in the school where dream and hope grow.

영주중학생 투신 자살 추정“동급생이 괴롭혀” 유서, 학교폭력 조사  2012-04-16 18:05:14

영주에서 중학생이 투신 자살해 충격을 주고 있다.

경찰은 4월 16일 오전 경북 영주 휴천동 한 아파트에서 중학생이 투신해 숨졌다고 밝혔다.

경찰에 따르면 이날 오전 9시30분께 이 지역 모 중학교 2학년에 재학중인 이모(14) 군이 이 아파트 1층 현관에서 숨져있는 것을 관리사무소 직원 우모(41)씨가 발견해 신고했다.
우씨는 뭔가 떨어지는 소리가 들려 가봤더니 이군이 숨져 있었다고 진술했다.

이군은 가족들에게 학교에 간다고 한 뒤 투신 사망한 채 발견됐다.

경찰은 이군이 아파트 20층 계단 앞 창문을 통해 투신자살한 것으로 추정하고 있다. 또 현장에서 발견된 유서 내용에서 "동급생으로부터 괴롭힘을 당했다"는 내용의 유서가 발견된 것을 토대로 이군을 대상으로 한 학교폭력이 있었는지 여부 등 자살 동기와 사망경위 등을 조사 중이다.

[뉴스엔 김종효 기자]

김종효 phenomdark@

We often read the report on the school violence numerously every year.
It doesn't look like school violence is going to stop even though police strongly investigates and punish attacker severely
It is certainly necessary for the government to take precautions for school violence

school violence prevention movement 
This is the picture showing that people are doing campaign in order to prevent school violence.
 The number of students killing themselves due to school violence is increasing.
Therefore people are doing these regular campaign to stop this from happening.

this is the suicide note

 This is the real case of suicide. Kyungsan high school student suicided himself because he was violated by
fellow students. Violence is not just limited to physical violence. Swearing and emotional violecne  can lead
students to kill by themselves. I think this is a really unhappy thing that should be stopped.
 The reason why it is important is because it can lead people to make copycat suicide as well as imitation of
violence. Many other students will be greatly impacted by this case. Other students who have been violated might follow suicide.

There are three types of school violence, verbal violence, mugging, and sexual violence.
First of all, let's see the data on the verbal violence.

2013년 5월 14일 화요일

A kind of school violence: Language Terrorism

School violence is widely held to have become a serious problem in recent decades in South korea.

According to the aricle above, you know language terrorism  are responsible for a sizable proportion of all school violence. (9%, 23% totall 32%) it is the biggest protion following physical violence.
Look at this video.
The video shows langauge violence made from EBS. A reason that this video was made is language terrorism which is a kind of school violence is getting worse.

http://dadoc.or.kr/867 위 블로그에 올라온 한 학생의 피해 일기이다. 이러한 언어폭력은 특히 초등학생에게 심각함을 알 수 있다.

위 표는 정부 (http://stopbullying.or.kr/index.php?mid=mest_data&category=144) 에서 학생들의 설문지를 바탕으로 제시한 통계자료이다. 위에서 보듯, 학교폭력 실태조사에서 언어폭력이 차지하는 비중이 월등히 높음을 알 수 있다.

요즘들어 속속히 터져나오는 학교폭력 피해사례 기사와 뉴스를 접하면서 참으로 안타까움을 금치 않을 수 없다. 똑같은 인간으로써 존중받을 권리는 누구에게나 예외 없이 적용되는데 왜 일부가 그것을 무시한 체 상대방을 비난하고 상처주어 가슴에 비수를 꼽게 할까?
 요즘들어 학교폭력으로 극단적인 방법을 선택하는 학생들을 종종 미디어를 통해 볼 수 있다. 언제부터 우리나라는 학교폭력이 한 개인을 죽음으로 몰 정도까지 심어졌을까?
 정부에서 집중적으로 학교폭력 예방책을 실시하고 있지만 그것 역시 효과를 제대로 발휘하고 있지 않다. 신고 접수를 받는다지만 그 또한 향후 보복이 두려워 제대로 신고를 하지 못하는 학생들도 곧곧에 많을 것이다. 내 소견으로는, 초기에 큰 효과를 발휘하지 못하더라도 일시적으로 단순히 터져나오는 사건을 해결하기 위한 방편책 보다는  학생의 눈높이에 맞춰 좀 더 체계적인 학교폭력 예방책을 세우는 쪽으로 정부가 대비책을 세우는 것이 좋다고 생각한다. 그 결과, 미래에 꿈나무들이 상처받지 않고 잘 자라도록 폭력없는 환경이 조성됐으면 좋겠다.

A kind of school violence: take one's money and goods

Hello. My name is Kwon hyo jeong. I will present taking one's money and goods which is a kind of school violence. Recently, you know,school violence is getting a social issue. When analyzing the result of consultation, taking one's money and goods and physical violence account the biggest part taking 29.6%. The form of taking one's money and goods is being turned into the form of depriving mp3 player and smartphones. Taking one's money and goods was done through physical violence. This situation was  usually occured near a park and playground. Look at this video. 

According to the picture above, instead of being happended between students, it is occured phase to phase with the intervention of adults.  Adult intervened in student's affairs which took other student's money and goods. Also, victims are continuously deprived of game items and cash not only just limted to inside school, but in the outside of school. Students who are taken one's money are impacted emotionally rather than economically. Even the family of victims cannot help the victims even if they know about it. 
 To prevent this, we need improvements like instructing cctv and making harsh punishments to students. By instructing cctv, police can know more about the situation and it can be used as a evidence of violence. If  the systems which can make more powerful punishment are made, students can know the severity of their fault.

Thanks a lot listen to the my present. Next is ji hyeon's present about sexual violence.

A kind of school violence: sexual violence

As you see, school violence is  really common these days.
 From now on, what I'm going to say about  is' Sexual violence in school.  
Sounds interesting? You'll going to face really dismal reality!

   A number of students violenced by fellow students are increasing. 
A shocking thing is  that even a  lot of young studnets  have been sexually violenced by others.
As you see, the serious thing is that even having been sexually violenced by others, they cannot  tell this to other people freely and get out of these awful situations.
 To make matters worse, it is not jsut limited to the case happended to students who are mentally ill.
Sexual harrassment and assault are rampant.
I'll give you one more particular example of these cases.

  In 2004, a high school student in  Miryang-si was sexually violenced by 44 students.
The girl was not only sexually violenced  but also threatend not to tell this to anybody else. 
It was a really big issue, which  was even made into a movie. 
The movie is called  'Don't cry Mommy'

This is the article of Miryang middle school girls rape incident
The Miryang gang rape, known in South Korea as the Miryang Middle School Girls Rape Incident  was a criminal incident that occurred in Miryang in Gyeongsang, South Korea in 2004. 41 or 115 male high school students kidnapped and raped three middle-school and two high-school girls. The victims lived in Ulsan, Changwon. After criminal checks were carried out on an additional 70 male high school students, it was determined that they lived in Milyang, Changwon.[1]
A controversy erupted over allegations that the police had acted against the interests of the victims. A police officer was alleged to have told the victims they were "embarrassing his hometown", and the police ignored the requests of the victims' families for the case to be handled by a female officer.[2] In August 2007, Seoul High Court found the Miryang police officers guilty of negligence in protecting the victims, and ordered them to pay damages totaling 50 million won to two of the victims and their family.[3] In 2012 it emerged that the girlfriend of one of the perpetrators had become a police officer.[4][5]


 Why is it happeing on and on?Are these cases being well dealt?
 The biggest reason why this case is keep happening is that
 the issues are not well dealt .
Since they are just young students,  punishment given to the sexual offenders is insufficent.
Harsh punsihment should be given to sexual offenders regardless of their ages.
And we should pay attention to these cases,  rather than assuming the attitude of an onlooker.

 Thank you for listening even if we dealt with these dismal issues.
Though it is really gloomy, we thought this is the matter we should discuss and think deeply.
If we altogether care about this issue on and on, I believe this problems can be solved in the end.

2013년 5월 7일 화요일

School violence case

this is the suicide note

 This is the real case of suicide. Kyungsan high school student suicided himself because he was violated by
fellow students. Violence is not just limited to physical violence. Swearing and emotional violecne  can lead
students to kill by themselves. I think this is a really unhappy thing that should be stopped.
 The reason why it is important is because it can lead people to make copycat suicide as well as imitation of
violence. Many other students will be greatly impacted by this case. Other students who have been violated might follow suicide.

학교폭력의 큰 종류에는 세가지가 있는데 언어폭력,금품갈취,성폭력이 있다.
먼저 언어폭력에 대한 자료를 보겠다.


school violence prevention movement 

This is the picture showing that people are doing campaign in order to prevent school violence.
 The number of sutdents killing themselves due to school violence is increasing.
Therefore people are doing these regular campaign to stop this from happening.